Healthy Soil

Healthy Soil

Healthy Soil Improvement Tips

I love to grow as much of my own food as possible. I grow organically, in healthy soil, just as nature has done forever, so I choose soil improvement techniques that imitate nature. Some vegetables are easy to grow in any old soil, but many need deep, rich soil. So by finding ways that imitate nature I find that my soil structure and its rich nutrient content provides me with the best possible medium for growing healthy, vigorous food plants.
The thing to remember is that we must continue to have a symbiotic relationship with the soil. In order for the soil to give us a thriving garden, we must replenish and build up the soil as an on-going process. If we don’t give back to nature, over time the soil becomes depleted and devoid of minerals that healthy plants need. Respect your soil and you will be rewarded with a garden that flourishes.
These practical soil improvement tips are both quick and easy to implement. You don’t need to do everything at once, just choose a few methods and implement them now – then plan to include more methods over time. These soil improving tips are not in any particular order. Keep reading →

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